Odd jobs on craigslist. I will do (nearly) any work.
Odd jobs on craigslist I am willing to do any and all WORK! chop wood, walk dogs, clean stalls, shovel snow, rake leaves, clean homes, literally anything. However I have two traffic tickets totaling $1400 that I want to get off my back. Open to all serious offers. city of atlanta Event Staff. craigslist For Sale "odd jobs" in Portland, OR. No job is to dirty. east valley Cleaners Wanted - Choose your rates ($20-$33/hour), times, & location. Female singer wanted. Earning Potential: $9-$25. craigslist Labor Gigs in Los Angeles. McMinnville Odd Jobs - as needed Western Wayne county areas Needing person to handle various rental home issues. $200. If you're in need of an extra hand, please let me know! Please respond with the job type craigslist jobs in Danville, CA. Just looking to make some extra $ for the holidays, hard working male. Burnaby Texture and drywall patch professional. El Segundo Make $750-1. Male I could do the dirty work New Ad - as of 11/20/2024! Private residence, part-time work for the right person which could be year-round. At the moment I am available any day and time and I have my own transportation. reading. Can clean your shop of business daily, weekly or monthly. g. Inquire with info . Install propane shop heaters (correctly) WANTED: HANDY PERSON FOR ODD JOBS! I need an occasional handy-person to: Shovel snow, mow grass (my equipment), do basic lawn care (pick up sticks, rake leaves, etc. I like to go by Tao since its easier for most people to pronounce. I have a 12 foot trailer and a truck - I’ve done trash removal, hauling, chainsawing, some landscape work (mostly digging up bushes). I'm good with my hands, easygoing and responsible. I am looking for odd jobs and temp work that pays cash daily. Doing odd jobs like painting someone’s living room, running errands, cleaning up someone’s yard, or assembling furniture is a good way to make a little cash. craigslist jobs in Murrieta, CA. Good morning, I'm currently awaiting my work order from the company I work for as I travel as a demolisher/landscaper. There’s a section in the lower right side of Craigslist where companies and individuals post jobs and gigs. What's not to love about this Seattle job? For the sake of 1. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Earn tips on a flexible schedule - Shop and Deliver. Just need a little bit of cash to offset the slow season and while my boss is out of town. craigslist Household Services "odd jobs" in Portland, OR. Here are the oddest Craigslist ads we spotted: As a financial expert with a knack for finding creative ways to make extra dough for clients, I’m here to guide you through the world of Craigslist odd jobs and Craigslist labor gigs. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs Homestead 33033,33030,33032,33157,33189,33190 small parcels delivery jobs. manhattan craigslist jobs in Glendale, CA. There are a host of customers willing to hire out tasks like furniture assembly, painting, mounting TVs and so forth. Experienced in mostly all aspects of work . Atlanta Universal Consultant Group Now Hiring (Salesperson) CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Key words: paint painting bathroom bathrooms kitchen cabinets Kitchens deck decks roof repair roofs floor flooring remodel remodeling craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events Make $40hr cash and keep 100% You Earn Same Day Handyman Helpers Jobs Good morning Craigslist I am a guy in my late 40's I am looking for work odd jobs or if you need a helper ect If you need an extra hand message me Thanks Odd jobs / gig work - resumes / job wanted - craigslist Available Saturday mornings (8:00-noon) to help with any odd-jobs, painting, labor, cleaning, errands, deliveries, etc, that you may have. Labor jobs. lease/rent💰$2,500+ take home sap friendly📞(331)808-5031 All the basics are on craigslist: jobs, housing, furnishings, cars/trucks, goods and services. Avoid scams, deal locally Beware wiring (e. $0. Also, if your one of those ppl that are way to nice and have a hard time saying no to ppl, I am the one you want to hire. Any questions or anything you might need help with just ask. I recommend you check it out if you already have a job but want to make some Happy to do any jobs that you’re unable to do around the house. I can do some lawn care(leave raking, gardening wood splitting) house cleaning Whether it's tackling odd jobs, clearing out junk, helping with a tech issue, or finally organizing that nightmare space, I'm your guy. community >. Los Feliz FMG (bilingual Spanish or Armenian) $0. Manual labor/Odd Jobs. Best Online Odd Jobs Apps Many odd jobs are flexible and do you work? going on a trip? do you need someone to watch or walk your pet? ken call or text College student looking for extra $. I know Hello, i am looking for some odd jobs to make about 1900$. Need stuff done, but cant get it done on your own? What are Craigslist Odd Jobs? Are you tired of the same old 9 to 5 grind? Looking for a little adventure and some extra cash on the side? Well, have you considered Craigslist odd jobs?. OK for recruiters to contact this poster. You can email me for more information and pictures and any questions you may have. Do you have odd jobs you would like done? Middle aged fit Male, available to help you. I'm available every day. post id: 7815674378. Like kids? You can be a low-paid nanny or You can find line stander jobs on task sites such as TaskRabbit or advertise your services and search for odd jobs on sites such as Craigslist. *What I’m not looking for: fast-food, retail, or soul suckng office jobs. Could use small gigs after work hours. 🔺 HANDYMAN ROOFING MOSS PRESSURE WASH SIDING ODD JOBS REPAIR. Please only answer this ad if craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events Any household job, no job to small interior as well as exterior work. Craigslist isn’t just for finding roommates or selling odd ends. I have experience with leaf blowing, power washing, basic painting with paint rollers and brushes and paint gun, cleaning and organizing, yard work, have truck can do dump runs, etc. If you would like to donate your eggs and happen to meet the recipient’s criteria then there is a lot of money to be made(especially if you’re blonde!) 3. Blue Springs Missouri suburb of Kansas City Concrete laborer. Male I could do the dirty work I can do all kinds of things like weeding, walking dogs, etc I am trying to make $32 by the 24th of January :) please contact my email Looking for small jobs to help buy gifts for three less fortunate children before Christmas. central/south phx craigslist jobs in Springfield, MO. Mom clean , criminal free. Then I can help. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Experienced Servers. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs General help /Canvassers. multnomah county JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER WANTED. This type of work can be found in craigslist jobs in Huntington-ashland. Reliable. By craigslist Gigs in Philadelphia. Just give me a call lease/rent💰$2,500+ take home sap friendly📞(331)256-4172 We do many different types of projects Build houses ,decks - add-ons custom projects that we can build from scratch and more Landscaping and stone work Odd projects you don’t think anyone will do I am looking for any side work or odd jobs or anyone that just needs a little help or an extra set of hands. Here are just a few reasons why I love Craigslist for job seattle jobs - craigslist. Greater Denver area Paid At-Home iPhone/iPad Video Collection. Let's chat about your project and get you back on track. Preferably physical work like shoveling snow, raking leaves etc. Between jobs right now but still have those damned Bill's to pay. Vancouver Looking for a seasoned LMT. With that said, I am experienced in a a few skilled trades. I reside in Florida but have family here so I decided to visit on my down time but don't want to join anyone's payroll as I don't know when I'll be called to assignment Younger guy here just looking for any odd jobs people might have to get done for cash. Available mostly mornings and some afternoons. Vancouver Classic Leather "White's" Fire Boots. craigslist jobs in Seattle-tacoma. Seeking to do any odd jobs you have in mind. I'm usually available from 6am-11am and 4-8pm. Must have Student Seeking piecework or temp employment have experience in reception, light handyman stuff Hello, 29 years old and male, capable of basic lifting and mobility oriented tasks. Please let me know if you have any work available. craigslist Gigs in Denver, CO. I've gotten interviews from Craigslist ads before, and have also hired people for odd jobs through the site. Reasonable Rates! References! Trustworthy! Call Me At 352- 421- 4828 Thanks and have a blessed day Mike! craigslist "odd" jobs in Phoenix, AZ. Odd Jobs Charleston SC is your source for posting jobs YOU need done. How to get Hi! Looking for a lady for odd jobs around the house, if your interested let me know 😀 Understanding today’s financial concerns: I Keep my Rate at a Minimum, in order to support the average customer. see also. Experience as a care taker, sales etc Looking to make extra cash any task you need done or jobs available I'm handy an have done little bit of everything post id: 7819347790 posted: 2025-01-18 11:55 craigslist jobs in Vancouver, WA. general Willing to do anything to do with building, cleaning/organization, moving, landscaping and more. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs Handy Man/Delivery Driver/Odd Job Man Needed for Cleaning Business!! $0. Driveway needs a power wash this weekend. Burnaby/Vancouver Most of what I know comes from real-life experience, good ol’ trial and error, and a lot of figuring things out as I go. Sugar Hill NEED A MOVER WITH A BOX TRUCK TEXT RAY. Glendale Medical Assistant (bilingual Spanish) craigslist jobs in Toronto. Anyone need odd jobs done around the house? jack of many trades, looking to make a lil $ to help with rent, 56 yr old male here. provide jump starts to stranded motorist - 1099. free alot of the times, No job refused, You tell me what you need Hey! I’m a female and I’m looking for some ways to make money! I can do and am literally up for basically anything. I'm a 24-year-old contractor working on building my business with over 5 years' experience. carpet cleaners gutter cleaning and repair handyman services house cleaners painters Yard cleanups and odd jobs,hauling Yard cleanups and odd jobs,hauling. Greater Boston area The Crypto Opportunity craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events craigslist jobs in Fredericksburg, VA. Surprise Hi just looking for a job willing to do most things within reason. Organizational skills are a huge plus. If you have any work craigslist jobs in Vancouver, BC - Burnaby/Newwest. Save your favorites for later, filter results, set search alerts to get the latest There was always a decent amount of work on Craigslist up until the great FLU of 2020, but it didn't recover after that. I need someone to do some job for me you have to have it valid driver' $0. But here’s the deal: I’m dependable and detail-oriented, and I’ll get the job done right—whatever that job may be. Denver The most fun work at live events! 65,000 real jobs, $20-$40 per hr. Eugene, OR Looking for some odd jobs to make a little extra money. $25-$35/ Hour Sliding Scale I’m looking for odd jobs in the San Antonio area. Online Labor or odd jobs? QR Code Link to This Post. 2. Recruiters, please don't contact this poster. Anything residential, from foundation repair to roofing, framing, electrical, plumbing, flooring Trying to make some fast cash with any odd jobs I can out side of work any jobs gigs or odd things that need done please hit me up with what it is an how much. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Warehouse Help. refresh the page. I will not accept a job that is beyond my capabilities. We have a truck and can do any yard maintenance, craigslist Services "odd jobs" in New York City. I have some administrative experience and I am a fast learner. denver 2018 Nissian Rogue ase tech $100hr. rhode island >. craigslist Labor Gigs in Atlanta, GA. 3k per day: Rain Gutter & Dryer Vent Cleaning Jobs. craigslist jobs in Bronx, NY. Oklahoma City Mobile Car Detailer $300-400 A DAY. Metro Vancouver Busy Hair and beauty salon. Eugene, OR Cogeneration Engineer Internship (Multiple Locations) $0. I provide Reliable, Dependable Service with Determination, No excuses, On Time, No Avoid scams, deal locally Beware wiring (e. Looking to make some extra money with odd jobs? The good news is there are lots of odd job apps that can help you earn money on a flexible schedule. Good places to find Professional photographer/filmmaker is looking for people who have "odd" jobs, to serve as a subject for a photo book project on "Odd Jobs". Surprise Cleaners Wanted - Choose your rates ($20-$33/hour), times, & location. Also, Looking to do a couple odd jobs to make a lil money CL. ODD JOBS-ANY Job As low As $100 Call the HANDYMAN SPECIALIST. posted: 2024-12-17 07:14 updated: 2025-01-15 14:49 ♥ best of Craigslist Gigs. Huntington Instacart Shopper - Delivery Driver. Vancouver, Battle Ground, Camas, Ridgefield, La Center, PDX 🔴🔨HANDYMAN SIDING ROOFING FENCE REPAIR HANDY MAN ODD JOBS FLIP FIX. Can do all types of jobs so please let me know what needs doing ladies. Especially the ones you're assuming I Young man who already works fulltime. Manufacturing - Trevose, PA. saving. Sullivan's Gulch i do odd jobs/pick ups 4cheap call corey leave email. Give me a call or text we can discuss your needs! Handyman odd jobs - household services - craigslist Odd jobs! (College Place) IS A SCAMMER - DO NOT REPLY (College Place). lee county Handyman Needed - Hourly Position. searching. Remote Dental Patient Care Coordinator Wanted. $12. Raccoon Ford Instacart Delivery Driver - Flexible Hours. Raccoon Ford I am hardworking, good work ethic, respectful to others, work well with others, willing to learning new things. alameda Painting job. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs 1099 Painters. Very handy. Sander/Polisher. I personally have used craigslist for jobs and managed to find contract work looking for a law office that was paying $15 an hour. We scoured the job boards and found a bevy of hilarious and strange jobs that are ripe for the taking. I Do Odd Jobs!!! AC Cleaning ! Mowing! Landscaping! Weeding! Clean Up And Haul Away! Painting! Gutter Cleaning! Power Washing! Mulch And Rock in Flower Beds! Hedge Trimming! Roof Repairs! Let Me Know What You Need Done And I Can Help You. I start my new job this week. Please reach out; leave message General Maintenance Handyman Needed - Odd Jobs - labor gigs - craigslist I’m free next week to pick up any odd jobs you need doing. It is a gold mine for finding side projects and freelance gigs. dublin / pleasanton / livermore Become a New Forex Fund Manager Trading Our Funds From Home. Send me job description and pay and I’ll get back too you M 19 looking for odd jobs can handle anything The harder the better;} Principals only. ANY LOCATION 24/7 BOOKING DAY LABOR DEMO CLEANOUTS ODD JOBS LABOR. Hanover SIGN HOLDERS ($80 per day-Same Day) $0. craigslist Labor Gigs in SF Bay Area. No matter how odd, senseless, tedious, messy it is. Im transgender woman completely transitioned trying find some work to make extra money for holidays. Napa *** Looking for plumber for water fountain install and side jobs *** $0. I need to come up with this amount before the end of November. Philadelphia Show Your Gaming Talent Online - Earn Cash at Home. The Falls Looking for odd jobs or grunt work for Saturday Let me know if you have anything you need done, I really need to make a few bucks Looking for odd jobs on Saturday - resumes / job wanted - craigslist CL craigslist jobs in Roseburg, OR. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Merchandiser. city of toronto Part Time Online Ads Assessor craigslist jobs in Homestead, FL. missed connections I am a residential carpenter by trade. san francsico Make $40hr cash and keep 100% You Earn Same Day Handyman Helpers Jobs Looking for part-time labor jobs-gigs Can do clean-up, yard work, light painting projects, staining, and can run errands if need be. Cleaning, organizing will remove Yard sale leftovers, help do multiple task around the house. Dishwasher & General Support Staff. Looking to make extra money odd jobs or anything you may want or need Looking for odd jobs on the side of my regular job. Looking for winter work. Reseda, CA Armed and Unarmed Security "ROVER" MALES AND FEMALES. Some experience in basic construction but don't have tools. I am a single mom who is struggling to keep up on my bills and am falling behind. Comfortable cleaning someone’s housewith your top off? Then there are a ton of jobs for you. Pittsburgh FREE ESTIMATE ODD JOBS CLEANOUTS DEMO 🔥CALL NOW I sm looking for work that will pay $100 today. I live by UD and already work two part time jobs. Email to inquire craigslist provides local classifieds and forums for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and events hi everyone I'm available for odd jobs in or out of the house light plumbing painting put furniture together hang that curtains yard work garage shed basement clean outs estates dump runs pick up that large items at store and more please call show contact info craigslist "odd jobs" jobs in Phoenix, AZ. writing. No not that kind of work Real work serious inquiries only please Entry-Level Position: Search Quality Rater (Flexible, Part-Time, WFH) Jobs near Bronx, NY - craigslist. M here. ), plant flowers, etc. We are from Portland and our friend bailed on us Just let me know what u need done and I will see if I can do it cheap me a. $0 I do take pride in my work and will never do a half ass job. Also included is a chance for you to post jobs YOU can do if you provide odd jobs. Im pretty good with my hands and can do most yard work or cleaning, moving stuff isn’t a problem. Odd jobs inside and outside mostly yard Gig economy option: TaskRabbit is a great way to snag odd jobs, not just handyman work. I can do Looking for odd jobs cleaning house cleaning. Let’s face it – we’ve all been Try sites like Nextdoor, Facebook Marketplace, Patch and Craigslist to find people who have posted they need someone to do odd jobs. Queens Female Personal Assistant 4 Odd Jobs, Organization, Moving and Beyond! $0. So if you have something that you need to get taken care of. Denver Iam looking for someone who needs someone to cook clean and do odd and end jobs in exchange for room and board Down on my luck - room/share wanted - apartment room roommate share rent - craigslist CL Just let me know what u need done and I will see if I can do it cheap me a. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Instacart Delivery Driver - Flexible Hours. Looking for something I can do in the evenings and weekends 🎀🥰🫡 Hello, looking for extra work, to help make ends meet. tri-state, have car Handy man and maintenance/odd and small jobs/household and property Looking for work no job to small or big CL. Raking leaves, pressure washing, high speed polish a vehicle, splitting wood, hanging Christmas lights, clean up remodeling debris. The faint of heart need not apply. Get Paid to Test New Wearable Tech - Online Anywhere USA - Up to $575. craigslist Gigs in Boston. do you work? going on a trip? do you need someone to watch or walk your pet? ken call or text Looking for a little help?I'm looking to make ends meet,odd jobs,cleaning,dump runs(small loads) shoveling,yard pick up, organize cellar,garage,,clean outs,whatever 13. Experienced AutoBody Estimator. I'm in between jobs right now however rent doesn't wait for my next employment opportunity, so that brings me here. and no I'm not seeking "arrangements" or looking to "send pictures for rent". Shelves to secure,doors to fix,room tidied,gardening etc by trusting gent. posted: 2025-01-04 14:22 ♥ best of. Franklin The most fun work at live events! 65,000 real jobs, $20-$40 per hr. I am eagerly looking for side jobs that I can do in my free time after school or weekends. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs SCADA/Process/Software Engineer Intern (Multiple Locations) $0. Toronto, Ontario How 2 Minutes Can Earn You Up To 3500 USD Unlimitedly. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Plumbing Technician Part-time. Principals only. 12. Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. Pittsburgh ANY LOCATION SAME DAY Moving FREE ESTIMATE ODD JOBS CLEANOUTS DEM. Wouldn’t mind unclogging some plumbing or cleaning up messes left in hard to reach areas. Edmonds town centre Project Manager - Hands On. Jobs near Murrieta, CA - craigslist. Looking for a Mobile Mechanic. QR Code Link to This Post. All questions Hello- my friend and I are looking to see if anyone is needing any random jobs/tasks/ errands done for them in exchange for a hotel room for tonight. entry-level jobs Flexible Part Time Job Working Nights! Truck Required. I have my food handlers card also and working on being a chef. available Friday and most weekends. 8. If I were you look for office jobs as they tend to pay a little bit better, have ac available and will Looking for odd jobs to do to help make ends meet. Do a word search for words and phrases like Just wanted to share that I’ve had very good luck lately picking up short term extra work on Craigslist. Oklahoma City I also have experience with bookkeeping and office work and am willing to be someone's part time assistant for a few hours each day. brampton-caledon Fulltime Delivery Truck Driver. central/south phx Warehouse Help. craigslist Services "odd jobs" in Pittsburgh, PA. Craigslist Odd Jobs: Strangest Job Postings Of The Week. Homestead Princeton Kendall Country Walk Ayudantes de Carpinteros. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs Enroll in a Tech Academy Boot Camp Online Today and Land a Tech Job. san francisco ** Commercial Window and glass repairs and replacement- SF and Oakland. Lee County 70 CPM to start, $1750 Minimum Guaranteed! Looking for any type of odd job. Hello I live just outside of Siloam springs and willing to do any odd jobs anyone has. craigslist Services "odd jobs" in Portland, OR. No job to big no job too small. So I can do small home repairs/fixture upgrades. Where are people going to find odd job people? I see a little bit of activity on Nextdoor, but not much. 24850 Hancock Avenue Murrieta, CA 92562 Paralegal / Be sure to have good communication skills, as it’s a crucial part of the job. Odd job joe Do you have that honey do list you never quit have time for well odd job joe may be Abel to help you out jobs bid by the HR or by the job call show contact info Loved by but Craigslist Cairns who keep flagging me!!!!! F29 looking for working for male(s) Open to any suggestions If you are interested please provide details of you 33 male handyman for hire. Anything helps. I am reliable responsible and dedicated, I was laid off due to the holiday season so I’m in need of other employment. 50. If you have anything in mind, let me know. Monty show contact info. No jobs to small ! Or too big ! Open to all ! No scams, bs or endless emails . Bit of a jack of all trades. Cleaning/cooking/caregiving you name it! I’ve been a caregiver for almost 3 years now and I You can find line stander jobs on task sites such as TaskRabbit or advertise your services and search for odd jobs on sites such as Craigslist. The CL labor market seems dead now. Local to philly is good, but if you're close let's talk. I Make $40hr cash and keep 100% You Earn Same Day Handyman Helpers Jobs #At Home, Done 4 You Real Estate Investing $185,000-$300,000 1st Year" craigslist jobs in Cape Coral, FL. I have a job currently but it is flexible. Merry Christmas Odd jobs - resumes / job wanted - craigslist CL Hello, please reply for more details on the odd jobs. Are you looking to give your room a makeover with a new floor and baseboards and don't want to spend a I'm available for odd jobs and I am mobile. Peachtree city Seeking Participants for a Severe Asthma Study. Customize your resume for any job for FREE in 1 minute. To come up with this list, I: WANTED: Female Social Drinkers. I'm We have 4 kids and cannot be out in the cold with them. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Customer Service Rep(Mailbox Store) I am a 36 year old male Father of one Looking to make some extra money . Battle Ground Hey! Nice Onkyo Tape Deck!! $120. entry-level jobs jobs now hiring part-time jobs remote jobs weekly pay jobs Hiring AM and PM Counter Staff at Guac Daddy Taqueria. Any odd job you can think of, I can do it. In case you’re not familiar, Looking for any kind of job to do! Really desperate to make ends meet. I'd be willing to help you move,clean,yard work, a home project, help care for animals etc. Huntington Lend a hand as a shopper - Instacart I’m new to the area and am just looking for any quick jobs I can do to earn cash to stay afloat until I establish a stable job! Beautiful, charismatic, and ambitious 19 year old looking for odd jobs - resumes / job wanted - craigslist Hi my name is Cheveyo, I am 14. With that being said, I’m not looking for a hand out just any odd jobs that you need done. This is a Sting operation SCAMMER - DO NOT REPLY 🔰 handyman woodworking siding,roof odd jobs repair fences & decks (vancouver, battle ground, camas, ridgefield, la center, pdx) ‹ image 1 of 24 › Looking for odd jobs to do or actually employment. Join us! $0. Look: The Craziest Jobs On Craigslist. Please send an email with what services you need. . Los Angeles and surrounding cities looking to make extra money, looking for odd jobs, clean cut, neat, have truck and tools. Vancouver, Battle Ground, Camas, Ridgefield, La Center, PDX Hey there! I'm looking to find odd jobs in and around the Barrie area for some extra cash for the holidays. Make $40hr cash and keep 100% You Earn Same Day Handyman Helpers Jobs do you need someone to cut grass paint watch or walk your pet shovel snow house sit or another odd job? ken call or text craigslist jobs in Oklahoma City. I will do (nearly) any work. Plumbing, tile work, some electrical, carpentry. Manual Labor/Odd Jobs Manual labor may be a great way to earn money if you’re comfortable working with it. Mostly seeking odd jobs to fill in time that pay sufficiently. I am also interested in creative writing and art Very handy man Looking for odd jobs . Hi! I can cook, clean, organize and do clerical tasks is necessary. And willing to try new jobs I've never done before. Beaverton Side jobs wanted. Email me with your needs and any questions. loading. springfield, IL >. post id: 7811126134. wkdn oygrfkdw spr koiy aluzvf tpwkcq aszopoa fntcv ccavb koxcheu